Sunday, October 7, 2012
Mixed Media
"Botany" (pictured left) was my lastest entry in the Lamar Art League art show in August. This piece is on a 16" X 24" wrapped canvas, and was created using pages from an old book, acrylic paints, india ink, pressed leaves and a few items I found in my shed... I was very happy to receive the second place prize and ribbon! I was also pleased by the many requests I received from show attendees to purchase "Botony." I don't want want to sell this piece, but I will definitely be creating more mixed media works in this vein. Those WILL be for sale! But I encourage everybody to grab your paintbrushes and a bottle of Modge Podge, and create your own awesome mixed media works!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Announcing The Arts Council of Barton County’s NINTH ANNUAL YOUTH ART & PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST
General Guidelines
- Entries must be original work of youth aged 16 years old or younger.
- Art themes may explore any subject, style or medium.
- Photography: No posed portrait photography, but any artistic theme is welcome – nature, animals, people (candid), buildings, scenery, weather, interesting close-ups, whatever catches your artistic photographer’s eye! The sky’s the limit! But all photographs must be “as taken,” and cannot be manipulated in Photoshop or other graphics computer programs.
- Entries will be exhibited throughout the entire month of August at The Arts Council Gallery, 206 W 10th St., Lamar.
- Judging will occur immediately prior to the opening of the Lamar Free Fair.
Categories for judging this year will be based on age alone, rather than on thematic categories. All art will compete against all other art, and all photographs will compete against all other photographs within the creator's age group, regardless of theme. The age groups in which prizes in both art and photography will be awarded are:ART
Under age 10
Ages 10 through 12
Ages 13 through 16
Under age 10
Ages 10 through 12
Ages 13 through 16
Photo must be 8 x 10 and matted
Mat can be any color or size.
No frames or double matting.
Limit of five photos per person
Photography Awards (each age group)
First place: $25
Second place:$10
Third place: $5
Peoples’ Choice: Trophy (one People's Choice Trophy will be awarded for photography, not one for each age group. All entries will be eligible to win the People's Choice Trophy, not just those that take ribbons, so it's a whole 'nother opportunity to win!)
Art should be ready to hang & may be of any size, theme and medium
Art Awards (each age group)
First place: $25
Second place:$10
Third place: $5
People’s Choice: Trophy (one People's Choice Trophy will be awarded for art, not one for each age group)
How to Enter:
Bring entries to the Arts Council Gallery, 206 W. 10th St., Lamar (just west of the Square on 10th St.) Tuesday through Friday between 2:00 PM and 5:30 PM, any date between Tuesday, July 26th and Wednesday, August 17th. All entries will be displayed in the art gallery beginning the day they are received, so the sooner you turn in your entry, the longer it will be on display, and the more people will see it! So submit your work early!All entries will remain on display throughout the Lamar Free fair, which ends Saturday, August 27th. Entries will be available for pick up Tuesday, August 30th through Friday, September 2nd, any time between 2:00 PM and 5:30 PM.
2nd Annual Lamar Open Air Art Show Photos
Here are a bunch of pics from the 2nd Annual Lamar Open Air Art Show, held Saturday July 16th under the Moore Pavilion in Lamar - in connection with the Missouri State Chili Cook-off!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Lamar Open Air Art Show Pics
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Open Air Art Show, July 17th

When: Saturday, July 17th, 2010, 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
Where: Under the Moore Pavilion, 103 East 10th St., Lamar Missouri. The Moore Pavilion is one block east of the historic Lamar town square.
How Much?: This event is FREE, but donations to the St. Mary's Catholic Church Rebuilding Fund will be gratefully accepted.
Contact: For more info about the Art Show, call Chris @ 417-681-0199. For info on the Missouri State Chili Cook-off, call Dixie @ 417-682-5432. For more info on the St. Mary's Catholic Church Rebuilding Fund, go here.
(Many More to Come - check back frequently!!!)
Carolyn Dunsing, of Peaceacre.
Chandler Curtis
Pam Allen
Jessica Edwards, of Jessica Edwards Photography
Joyce Cody
Would you like to particpate in The Arts Council of Barton County Free Open Air Art Show? Call Chris @ 417-681-0199 ASAP. Time is short, and slots are filling up fast! Thanks!
art activities,
art events,
art show,
arts council,
barton county,
cook off
Sunday, May 16, 2010
A Few New Paintings
Great Grandmother
20" X 16"
Rose and Her Cousins
24" X20"
Rose and Her Cousins
These two paintings represent a new direction for me. These are paintings of old family photos my sister gave me on a recent visit. I've never painted from photographs before, so this is a real challenge for a self-taught folk artist who usually paints completely from imagination. I'm not a portrait painter, and "photo-realism" is just not an option, but I think I captured the essence of the real people in the pictures. Surprisingly, I see my cousin's face in one of the little girls, and my mother's eyes in "Great Grandmother." Which is funny because I didn't see the resemblances until after the paintings were done. It was an unusual experience. As I was painting faces from the past, the present generation came through. Cool.
Festival Queen
16" X 12"
Acrylic and Gold Leaf
Swan Lake
16" X 12"
Acrylic and Gold Leaf
May Festival
16" X 12"
Plague Doctor
12" X 9"
Opera Singer
18" X 14"
Monk's Cat II
12" X 9"
Acrylic and Gold Leaf
The last six paintings are part of a series I am doing that I call the "Festival Series." Lots of bright colors and gold leaf. The Plague Doctor is based on an old engraving showing the protective suits doctors wore during the plague. In the original, the outfit is unembellished, and the stick he carried was more likely used to poke the patients to see if they were still alive... I decided to send him to a party instead, and the stick became a party favor/mask. Don't you just love artistic license! I wish I could do that in real life!
folk art,
gold leaf,
opera singer,
primitive art,
self-taught artist
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Making Art from Recycled Materials
I'm really excited about teaching the Arts Council April "Creative Kids" class, "Making Art from Recycled Materials. I want to help the kids create a mixed media collage using things that most people think of as "trash." There's no wrong way to make a collage, so this should be fun for all. Here's the flier announcing the class:
The Arts Council of Barton County Invites Kids to
Making Art From Recycled Materials!
Join us Thursday, April 22nd, from 4:00 PM to 5:00PM, for our FREE April Creative Kids Class, Making Art From Recycled Materials. Participants will create an original mixed media collage that transforms found, discarded and recycled/recyclable objects into art. It will be a fun, informative and creative Earth Day hour for all! This class is open to anyone ages 6 and up. Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult.WHEN: Thursday, April 22nd, from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
WHERE: The Arts Council NE classroom, located in the Arts Council building, 206 W 10th St. (upstairs), Lamar.
INSTRUCTOR: Carolyn Dunsing, from Peaceacre.
REGISTRATION: This is a FREE class, but advance registration is required. Please call (417) 681-0199, and leave a message that includes your name, phone number, and how many kids you're signing up. Or email your info to
Recent Paintings
Took time over the winter to play around with some paint and pastels. I had a lot of fun with it. As you can tell, my mood was all over the place, so there's no theme to be found amidst these recent entries. All but the first and last paintings are done in oils. I love working with oils. I'm not a photographer, though, so these paintings look a lot better in real life than they do on this website.

This is an example of why you need to be careful when you re-use old canvases. Notice the raised areas showing through - it gives the painting a creepier edge than I was going for. But all in all, I 've had mostly a positive experience re-using canvases from thrift shops and yard sales. But I always feel kind of funky painting over somebody else's work - of course the universe will get even with me when somebody someday gessos mine to make room for their own inspiration...
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Arts Council of Barton County Christmas Ornament Making Class a Big Success!
On Saturday, December 12th, I taught a kids' class on "Making Christmas Ornaments from Natural Materials." The class was held at the Arts Council building on the Lamar Square. It was a blast! The kids were really into the class and showed off their amazing creativity. And I had a great time, too! There is going to be a class in January for older kids on digital phtography, taught by Gayla Miller, and a class in February led by my husband, called "How to Tell a Story." After the great time I had with the kids on Saturday, I will almost surely be planning more fun stuff for the younger set soon. Check back here, or check ther Arts Council website at
kids arts,
kids classes,
natural materials,
Sunday, December 6, 2009
"Making Christmas Ornaments from Natural Materials"
I will be teaching a class on "Making Christmas Ornaments from Natural Materials" on Saturday, December 12th, from 11:00 to Noon, at the Peaceacre studio located above the Arts Council builing at 206 West 10th St., just west of the Lamar Square. I think this will be a lot of fun for the kids. It's not some big, heavy art class - it's all about glitter, googly eyes, pipe cleaners, paints and markers and having a good time. I grew these mini gourds and they just screamed to be made into Christmas ornaments! So that's how I got the idea. My kids had a really good time creating the ornaments you see in the pictures below. Also, since we don't want to leave out our little animal friends, everyone will make a "birdfood bangle" out of a popcorn ball to hang on a tree outside, as well. So everyone will leave the classroom with one ornament for the Christmas tree indoors, and one for a tree in the great outdoors, too! Who could ask for more? And it's FREE! Adavance registration is required, so if you would like for your child to attend, please email me at
Don't forget the photography class coming in January! It looks like the date will be the 28th, in the morning. We'll post more on this class later. Stay tuned!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Peaceacre Meets the Arts Council

That little tirade out of the way... Let me tell you about our involvement in the Arts Council of Barton County. I'm an artist, my husband is a poet and a writer, my kids are artists, my friends are mostly artists, too. You are, too, if you're looking at this website, I'll wager. Art matters. So we joined the Arts Council to see if we could make a difference and bring art to life in Barton County. We've got some exciting ideas for classes, events and groups this winter, so watch this space for "coming soon" announcements.
A few things we have planned include:
- I'll be teaching a kid's class on making Christmas ornaments from natural materials. The class should roll out in early December.
- In January, Gayla Miller will be teaching a photography class for the 12 to 17 year old crowd.
- In February, watch for "How to Tell a Story," presented by my husband the poet, a class aimed at the teen/young adult crowd.
Plus lots more, to be developed. If you have any ideas, or if you would be interested in teaching a FREE arts class, email me at This is a volunteer organization and effort, and nobody is getting paid... We just want to bring the arts to everyone... period! Come on everybody, it winter - there's no excuse! Let's get together, have some fun, and inspire each other a little!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
The Party's Over

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