Took time over the winter to play around with some paint and pastels. I had a lot of fun with it. As you can tell, my mood was all over the place, so there's no theme to be found amidst these recent entries. All but the first and last paintings are done in oils. I love working with oils. I'm not a photographer, though, so these paintings look a lot better in real life than they do on this website.

This is an example of why you need to be careful when you re-use old canvases. Notice the raised areas showing through - it gives the painting a creepier edge than I was going for. But all in all, I 've had mostly a positive experience re-using canvases from thrift shops and yard sales. But I always feel kind of funky painting over somebody else's work - of course the universe will get even with me when somebody someday gessos mine to make room for their own inspiration...