I'm really excited about teaching the Arts Council April "Creative Kids" class, "Making Art from Recycled Materials. I want to help the kids create a mixed media collage using things that most people think of as "trash." There's no wrong way to make a collage, so this should be fun for all. Here's the flier announcing the class:
The Arts Council of Barton County Invites Kids to
Making Art From Recycled Materials!
Join us Thursday, April 22nd, from 4:00 PM to 5:00PM, for our FREE April Creative Kids Class, Making Art From Recycled Materials. Participants will create an original mixed media collage that transforms found, discarded and recycled/recyclable objects into art. It will be a fun, informative and creative Earth Day hour for all! This class is open to anyone ages 6 and up. Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult.WHEN: Thursday, April 22nd, from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
WHERE: The Arts Council NE classroom, located in the Arts Council building, 206 W 10th St. (upstairs), Lamar.
INSTRUCTOR: Carolyn Dunsing, from Peaceacre.
REGISTRATION: This is a FREE class, but advance registration is required. Please call (417) 681-0199, and leave a message that includes your name, phone number, and how many kids you're signing up. Or email your info to ArtsCouncilofBartonCounty@Yahoo.com.